When Marriage Takes A Wrong Turn
Midwest Creations Publishing and M. Renae partnered together to release her gripping, brave and transparent story of one woman's fight for self worth during a damaging marriage. This harsh, real and heart rending tale will do what it was intended to do; open the reader's mind to the journey of women all over the world.
Women that cannot be liberated simply by uttering the words Me Too. For their pain, their suffering, their struggle is not derived from an occurrence or two or five... but from years of draining and unjustified stripping of self worth to appease one man's ego.
Allowed 2 Cheat tells the story - the before, during and after, in a way that women who've struggled with manipulation and emotional abuse understand. But that's not all it does.
This tale unfolds a woman's power to own her pain, and her mistakes. M. Renae contends that, once owned, the pain can be healed to make room for love that truly matters.
Back of the book...
My story…
I loved my husband.
Looking back, maybe I loved him a little too much. Definitely more than I loved myself. How do I know? Because six weeks before our wedding I found out that there was another woman.
Devastated, I called him crying, trying to understand why. He explained that she started off as a friend because I made him give up his best friend (another woman and as such, a different story entirely, but really the same situation) to comfort me.
He goes on to explain that it just turned into more than he expected and how he couldn’t stop it since he didn't want to hurt her. He said that he did it to try and get it all (by all I assume “the cheating”) out of his system so that he wouldn’t cheat once we were married.
I knew then, in my heart, that his cheating would continue for a lifetime. But I was determined to keep the love I thought I found. I was so eager to hold on to that love that I told him, “I forgive you and we will get past this.”
Sadly, that wasn’t the last time I spoke those words. Throughout the course of our marriage, that refrain was repeated if not openly, silently… over and over again.
So, again… this is my story. To protect those I love the most, I’ve changed names (including mine, just because) and the locations of various events. I also did this because the names are not important, neither are the places.
What holds true, or at least the truth that I’m trying to convey is illustrated in the message of this allegory. A message that so many women need to hear.
A message outlined in the following fact that, as you read, you will feel this in your very soul: BECAUSE I Was Aware of my husband’s cheating during our engagement and set no boundaries or consequences; I gave him permission and consent to continue it during our marriage. I didn’t walk away, and I should have.
As a result, ten years later I’m still struggling with my sanity and choices.
Don’t be me.